Welcome to another episode of Y11 Audio! This is Ypsilanti’s college football show and the official podcast of Ypsi11.com.
It’s finally, actually game week!
Howard comes to Rynearson Stadium as Eastern Michigan begins its 2023 season. The focus is as clear as ever — run last year’s record back, except beat Toledo this time. The MAC title hunt won’t officially start until the conference schedule begins, but the chase still begins for this team on Friday.
While EMU should beat Howard handily (SP+ projects EMU to win by two touchdowns), this is still a well-coached FCS squad with a ton of returning, productive players on both sides of the ball. They’re not going to make things easy for the Eagles.
Still, what should we expect to see out of EMU this week? And what questions might get answered this week?
Y11 Audio is available via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and basically wherever else podcasts are found.
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Email: ypsieleven@gmail.com.
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